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Social Media Advertising

Through social media management and advertising, we can help develop brand awareness, increase website traffic, and build customer relationships

You can reach your audience instantly with our social media advertising services, generating followers, and increasing website traffic. The marketing experts at Zoom utilize various social media outlets to expedite your results. It is crucial to invest advertising dollars wisely. Therefore, our team will optimize your bidding strategy, ensuring you are always spending intelligently.

The more ad dollars invested, the more people you can reach. As this number grows, you open the door to brand awareness, engagement, traffic, and ultimately – sales.

Build the Campaign with a Goal in Mind

Are you looking to increase engagement? Visibility? Foot traffic? Online Sales? Your goal should be specific, measurable, and attainable.

Choose the Platform Carefully

We will select the social platforms that will provide the best results for you based on your specific goals. You might see more foot traffic with Waze, but maybe you would prefer the increase in leads generated by Facebook. The correct platform choice can make a huge difference in the results of your social media advertising campaigns.

Spend Less

Social media advertising is, hands down, the most cost-effective form of advertising available. On average, you can reach 1,000 potential customers for $5. Traditional advertising media is upwards of 3x more costly than social media advertising services.

Target Your Exact Demographic

Grow your business faster by targeting your exact demographic through social media. Our team can help you reach people based on specific factors. We can target certain age groups, income levels, locations, and more with laser-targeted advertisements based on people’s online behaviors and social media interests.

Create and Implement Custom Ad Content

Our digital experts will create both visual and written content designed to target and engage your specific audience – and to be effective, your ad will always have a strong call to action. If you’d like to find out more about our social media advertising strategies, contact our team at Zoom Advertising today!